Locating the result document after fn:transform()

Something unexpected happened when I ran an XSLT transformation using fn:transform() within another XSLT script, instead of just running it directly. <xsl:variable name=”xslt-options” as=”map(*)”> <xsl:map> <xsl:map-entry key=”‘stylesheet-location'” select=”$url”/> <xsl:map-entry key=”‘source-node'” select=”$input”/> <xsl:map-entry key=”‘stylesheet-params'” select=”$stylesheet-params”/> </xsl:map> </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name=”output” as=”map(*)” select=”fn:transform($xslt-options)”/> <xsl:sequence select=”map:get($output,’output’)”/> My stylesheet located at $url uses <xsl:result-document> to produce some secondary output, but… Continue reading Locating the result document after fn:transform()

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